The Truth About Think and Grow Rich?

It's An Exercise, Not A Book

Discover The Real Principles

Learn How To Apply Them Daily

Get The Results You Desire

Everybody Says..."I Read Think & Grow Rich, More Than Once"

Ever wondered why they're not rich?

Or you aren't?

I sure did.

Aloha... I confess, I'm a dinosaur in a way. Napoleon Hill and his book Think and Grow Rich were mired in obscurity until W. Clement Stone resurrected Hill's career. That turned Think and Grow Rich into the most widely read self-help book in history. Mr. Stone taught our class of 24 in 1971 the Think and Grow Rich Exercise

  • Who is W. Clement Stone and why should you care? Mr. Stone built the largest, most successful sales force in history. This is a fact, not an opinion. Stone mastered using subconscious to R2A2 and get rich

  • What is R2A2? Recognize, Relate, Assimilate and Apply

  • You'll learn to apply R2A2 to each of the 13 steps of Think and Grow Rich and acquire life's 13 riches

  • You'll discover your authentic purpose, eliminate procrastination and become perpetually motivated

  • You'll have a written plan of action and an accountability partner so you execute on time, every time.

  • 14 Weeks FREE... What's the catch? Once you experience a real course delivered with world class training and support, we believe you'll be open minded about courses we offer in the future.

  • Success is contagious. You'll apply the principles, your income goes up. And you can afford our courses🥳

Are You Thinking... Is it really free?

The short answer? Yes.

You will not be asked for a credit card now [and not part way through]

The long answer?

As Hill explains, "there is no such thing as something for nothing".

The benefits of the Think and Grow Rich do carry a steep price.

That price?

Work. Not dollars.

The sacrifice of some time daily that so few are willing to make.

They do the mental labor so few are willing to do.

Acquiring wealth in all 13 areas of life is easy to do and it is easy not to do.

It really comes down to willingness to do the work daily for 14 weeks.

Here's a Fraction of What You Receive

Private Membership Area

You get our private members area that is manned by our certified team of 50+ people. We love blowing members away with 1960's style customer service. You'll get hands-on-help daily, all questions answered within 24 hours by real people.


You get a downloadable copy of Think and Grow Rich, the 34 page workbook, weekly assignments and you also receive the notes and outline for every live session.

The Formula

Hill's 25 year study inspired him to write Think and Grow Rich. Was there a "formula" all these successful people had in common? Yes. You'll discover that formula and develop it as a habit before the 14 weeks end.

Here's How It Works ~ Easy ~ Fast ~ Convient


Step 1: Click Free Ticket

Join the thousands who have created wealth, health and joy because they learned T&GR via effective teaching from one of the original students of W. Clement Stone


Step 2: Go To Your Email

Once you take advantage of our free enrollment, we'll email you login credentials IMMEDIATELY. Just login and follow the "Getting Started" video to prepare properly


Step 3: Watch Your Biz Grow

The Think and Grow Rich exercise is the most effective and fastest way to achieve to the success you desire. Most importantly, you'll acquire the 13 riches life offers.

An Offer You Can't Refuse

A Course That Transforms With Enduring Success Principles

THE FREE THING & THE CATCH. Why the free thing? Simple. I want you to finally experience world class training and facilitators. Here's the catch. We sell courses online. Once you've worked with us and our team I believe you'll give serious consideration to our future offerings. And since you'll be far more successful, you'll easily be able to afford courses that will help you be even more successful.

You get the book, Think and Grow Rich, a workbook, weekly assignments, membership area, hands-on support, 13 LIVE webcasts [weekly] and... you're learning from a successful man who was taught this material by W. Clement Stone.

Stone salvaged Hill's career and Stone trained me. He told me, "these are not books, Mark, they're exercises" and we bring that exercise and other resources to you. All for nothing. Let's do this.

HABITS MAKE YOU. Within 2-3 weeks of the course beginning, you'll understand why other courses you've bought haven't worked. Some of them were probably decent courses. In the Week One LIVE webcast you'll discover why the pattern of trying different courses or methods and failing keeps repeating itself.

You are not alone in that experience. Unfortunately, operating that way makes suffering inevitable.

Think and Grow Rich, properly facilitated to a dedicated student, interrupts that pattern of losing and replaces frustration with an indomitable winning habit. You'll have that habit mastered by Week 8 and know all of your future ventures will work out successfully. As a matter of fact, how to break the habit of try, fail, try fail etc., and learn that powerful winning habit is exactly why Think and Grow Rich was written.

Sound to good to be true? That's understandable. Since you've got no financial investment, check it out.

Once you've learned this "certain way" you'll be able to invest wisely in yourself and out perform your highest expectations and, better yet, do it in half the time. Your self esteem will rise and your fears will atrophy.

Here's How It Works ~ Easy ~ Fast ~ Convient

Mark Januszewski

The Godfather of Network Marketing

Mark Best Selling Author Co-creator MasterKeyExperience Top Earner 5 MLMs

Lori Enrico

The Super Mom of Network Marketing

Co-creator Standing Tall - 20 Years top 1% MLM * ColorCode® Certified

The Fab Davene

Thunk and Grew Rich - I'll Show You How

CEO Training Solutions - Co-creator MasterKeyExperience - ColorCode® Certified

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